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Practical Tips

10 practical tips for better security at home and save on utility bills

  1. Make a regular cleaning and program maintenance of the device: operating efficiency for lower fuel consumption and greater safety.
  2. Adjust the internal temperature to not more than 19 °C (generally the internal temperature is kept around 20° C). During night time keep closed the heating or in colder environments adjust the thermostat to not more than 16 C°.
  3. Correctly program  the central heating on the actual needs: a boiler too powerful, if not necessary, consumes much more energy.
  4. In case of new installations or replacements prefer condensing boilers, can save up to 20% on your bills.
  5. Never close the radiator cabinets and never use radiator covers: the air must circulate freely.
  6. Climate: not adjust the thermostat to the maximum, but in order to obtain a temperature difference between the outside and the inside of not more than 5° C. Even a minor difference, for instance, of only 2° C, can give a discreet refreshment because is accompanied by a reduction in the humidity of the environment.
  7. Avoid holding on to the water heater tank (boiler) all day if it does not do continuous use: a large part of consumption are due to keep the water always hot, even if not in use.
  8. Insulate the roof and walls of the house to reduce heat loss. Poorly insulated windows and doors can cause significant loss of heat.
  9. Ventilate well the local: more time a day to open windows for a few minutes.
  10. Heat up the individual rooms individually. You can control the temperature in each individual room. At night and in case of prolonged absence can lower the temperature.

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